No, blinds don’t cause condensation; blinds don’t produce any moisture, so this would be impossible. For something to “cause” condensation per se, it has to create/produce moisture, or be a catalyst of turning moisture in the air into condensation on the window.
A catalyst for condensation could be said to be your window glass itself; or more to the point, the fact that the window glass serves as a barrier between the warm air inside the room and the cold air outside, which results in moisture from the air inside that gathers around the window turning from vapour into water on the glass; your condensation.
Condensation basically comes into existence due to humidity in the air and the process of its rapid cooling and so, turning back into water when it hits the window glass; the opposite of what happens when you boil a kettle and the rapid heating turns water into steam.
Blinds don’t produce condensation, and technically, neither does your window; your window just serves as a suitable home for it! Whilst all of this is factual and correct, if you’re trying to find out practical info on blinds and condensation and whether or not having blinds (and how you use them) can cause or make condensation worse, this blog post will tell you the basics.
Do blinds cause condensation?
Blinds do not cause condensation to develop in the first place, and nor can they worsen it or make it gather on your window as opposed to somewhere else in the room. Blinds might actually help to reduce how much condensation gathers on your window by means of helping to insulate the window and play the part of a sort of buffer that helps to make the difference in temperature between the outside and the inside of the window less acute than it would otherwise be.
The same goes for curtains, and neither blinds nor curtains are a better pick for handling condensation over the other; albeit if your windows do get very condensated, blinds will probably be a better pick as you can get waterproof ones that won’t then absorb condensation, and that won’t suffer over time from the effects of damp due to exposure to condensation.
Are blinds bad for condensation overall?
No, the moisture level in your room (and so, how damp or humid the room gets and how well ventilated it is) is what causes or worsens condensation. If your home is really well insulated in general but you don’t have enough ventilation and don’t tend to open the windows much, this can result in worse condensation than you’d get in an older, more poorly insulated house, which is obviously the last thing you’d want!
Try to keep the atmospheric moisture levels down by ventilating rooms (particularly the bathroom after use, and the kitchen if you’ve been cooking and generating steam, or any room you use to air-dry washing) and by opening the windows when you can.
If this isn’t enough or if it’s too cold to open the windows and still remain comfortable, consider buying dehumidifiers and using them in rooms or areas where condensation is a big issue; before blaming your poor innocent blinds!