The insulating qualities of real wooden blinds are fairly well-known in terms of their ability to keep the heat on the desirable side of the operation (i.e., the outside in summer and the inside in winter).
But when it comes to faux wood blinds, there’s a little more confusion regarding what they can and cannot do. Faux wood blinds keep heat out in summer just like real wood blinds, and this also means they keep heat in during winter when you’d rather it didn’t bleed out through your windows like so much wasted money.
Good quality faux wood blinds are made of highly durable premium grade PVC, which won’t fade, crack, or warp over time (other than exposed to extreme heat), is waterproof, and is also an excellent insulator, just like real wood.
Do faux wood blinds insulate the room?
Yes, faux wood blinds have a lot of points in their favour, including being hardwearing, cost effective, waterproof, and available in many different colours and finishes.
They only rarely needing cleaning, and are quick and easy to take care of when they eventually do. Faux wood blinds insulate very well too, making them one of the most versatile types of blinds of all and with a high level of suitability for many different rooms and potential applications.
They’re solid in construction, and PVC has highly insulating properties in and of itself, and in faux-wood blinds, is moulded in a more-than-sufficient thickness to provide excellent insulation.
Faux wood blinds (and other Venetian blinds like those made of real wood and aluminium) also offer the greatest number of options to control light and privacy of any window blinds type; as well as fully or partially raising and lowering them, the degree to which you tilt the slats allows you to execute a fine degree of control over both of these things.
Oh by the way, this is probably self-evident and you probably don’t need it spelling out for you, but just in case you do; faux wood blinds insulate to greatest effect when fully lowered and with the slats fully closed. If your blind is open or the slats are horizontal to allow you to see out, they’re not really going to insulate very effectively as a result!
Do faux wood blinds keep heat out in summer?
Yes, faux wood blinds are excellent at keeping glaring sun and extreme heat out during the summer, once more with the caveat that they need to be fully closed in order to achieve this. If you keep faux-wood blinds closed in summer (or closed on the side of your home facing the sun) then you will notice that the room in question remains markedly cooler.
Faux wood blinds obviously aren’t a substitute for air conditioning and will only have a limited effect if the insulation in the rest of the room or house is very poor. If you do have air conditioning as well, faux-wood blinds also help to keep the cool air inside, and ensure that your unit doesn’t have to work as hard as it would otherwise in order to maintain the temperature you’re aiming for.
With or without air con, you can use faux-wood blinds to help to prevent a room from becoming uncomfortably hot in the first place, as they deflect heat and their thick PVC slats make it hard for heat to penetrate.
…And do faux wood blinds keep heat in during winter?
They certainly do. Faux wood blinds keep heat in during the winter due to the same principles they do when keeping the heat in during summer. They provide an additional layer of insulation between the warm bit inside you’re paying good money to keep warm, and the cold bit outside you’d rather not invite in to dine on your central heating budget.
Faux wood blinds also go a long way to reducing drafts from windows that themselves may not be that well insulated either.
Key takeaway: Do faux wood blinds insulate effectively?
Yes, faux wood blinds insulate very effectively in both directions, be that preventing the internal heat from escaping in winter, or preventing it from breaking in during the summer!