Advice, Ideas & Inspiration, Page 25

Luxury leaf patterned blackout roller blinds in white living room
Pretty much any colour of your choosing; much as “black goes with everything” when it comes to clothes, the same goes for white when it comes to walls! There are...
Luxurious grey living room
What are the best colours to add to your home? This depends on what you want to achieve. Making a home look light and airy would call for different shades...
Brown aluminium venetian blinds in kitchen
Venetian blinds come in various different materials and of course, levels of quality, but the short answer to “do Venetians cost more than other types of blinds” is that aluminium...
Closed light wood venetian blind in bedroom
Do Venetian blinds offer a good night’s sleep? This depends on the factors that for you personally, enhance or ruin your naptime! This might include factors like whether you need...
Black aluminium venetian blinds in bedroom
Venetian blinds are the type of blinds that are made of of multiple rows of horizontal slats. As well as raising and lowering the whole blind in the normal fashion,...
Blue and white floral patterned vertical blinds in contemporary kitchen
Do closed blinds help keep cold out and heat in? Yes, any blind will help to keep cold from coming in via your windows, but the extent to which they...
Gaming room with blinds
If you have an actual gaming room, or even if you just spend most of your lounge-based time gaming, it seems likely that you take your hobby seriously enough to...
Black roller blinds in contemporary kitchen diner
Do black blinds keep heat out? Not really, no. Black blinds tend to hold onto heat rather than being a good insulator or barrier against it, so if you’re trying...